Hailin Hao

Hi and thanks for stopping by! I am a 4th year PhD student at the Department of Linguistics at the University of Southern California. I received my BA in Linguistics from the University of Amsterdam in 2020. My CV can be accessed here (updated Aug 2024).The goal of my current research is to better contextualize both psycholinguistics and NLP research. For psycholinguistics, this involves studying human language processing in naturalistic settings and exploring how processing behaviors relate to social attributes. For NLP, my aim is to make language models more useful in social and interactive settings, ensuring they are better aligned with human needs and real-world applications.

I am mainly advised by Elsi Kaiser at USC Linguistics, but I also actively collaborate with people both within and outside the department, including (in alphabetic order):

Peer-reviewed papers*Hao. H, *He, M., & Fuchs, Z. (2024). Greta is a female director: When gender stereotypes interact with informativity expectations. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Sci-
ence Society
. [PDF]
Hao, H., Yadav, H., & Kaiser, E. (2024). Naturalistic Reading Time Data Support Information Locality.
In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. [PDF]
Hao, H., Yang, Y., & Michael, H. (2024). Information Locality in the Processing of Classier-Noun De-
pendencies in Mandarin Chinese. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. [PDF]
Hao, H., Hahn, M., & Kaiser, E. (2023). How do syntactic statistics and semantic plausibility modulate local coherence effects? In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. [PDF]Hao, H. (2023). Evaluating Transformers’ sensitivity to syntactic embedding depth. In: Mehmood, R., et al. Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions I, 20th International Conference. DCAI 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 741. Springer, Cham. [PDF]Hao, H., & He, M. (2023). Can Large Language Model Surprisal capture the informativity bias in human language processing? In: Mehmood, R., et al. Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions I, 20th International Conference. DCAI 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 741. Springer, Cham. [PDF]Hao, H., Schaeffer, J., & van t' Veer, M. (2022). On the prosody of Contrastive Topic and Contrastive Focus in Mandarin Chinese. Proceedings of the 40th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL). Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. [PDF]Conference presentations2024. *Hao. H, *He, M., & Fuchs, Z. Greta Is a Female Director: When Gender Stereotypes Interact with Informativity Expectations. Poster presented at the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024), Rotterdam, July 24-27.2024. Hao, H., Yadav, H., & Kaiser, E. Naturalistic Reading Time Data Support Information Locality.
Talk presented at the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024),
Rotterdam, July 24-27.
2024. Hao, H., Yang, Y., & Michael, H. Information Locality in the Processing of Classier-Noun Dependencies in Mandarin Chinese. Talk presented at the 46thAnnual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024), Rotterdam, July 24-27.2024. Hao, H., Yadav, H., & Kaiser, E. Naturalistic Reading Time Data Support Information Locality.
Talk presented at the 7th meeting of The Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL 2024),
Irvine, June 27-29.
2024. *He, M., *Hao, H., & Fuchs, Z. Are Informativity-Based Linguistic Predictions Driven by Gender-Stereotypical Knowledge? Poster presented at the 37th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP 2024), Ann Arbor, May 16-18.2024. Hao, H., Yadav, H., & Kaiser, E. Naturalistic Reading Time Data Support Information Locality.
Poster presented at the 37th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP 2024), Ann Arbor, May 16-18.
2024. Hao, H., Yang, Y., & Michael, H. Information Locality in the Processing of Classier-Noun De-
pendencies in Mandarin Chinese
. Poster presented at the 37th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP 2024), Ann Arbor, May 16-18.
2024. Hao, H., Himanshu, Y., & Kaiser, E. High Expectations Enhance Locality Effects: Evidence from Naturalistic Reading Time Corpora. Talk at the 6th California Meeting on Psycholinguistics (CAMP6). Stanford, CA, USA.2024. Li, J., Hao, H., & Futrell, R. Language models can adapt better to within-clause than across-clause exchange errors. Poster at the 6th California Meeting on Psycholinguistics (CAMP6). Stanford, CA, USA.2024. Hao, H.*, He, M.* & Fuchs Z. Are Informativity-Based Linguistic Predictions Driven by Gender-Stereotypical Knowledge? Poster at the 6th California Meeting on Psycholinguistics (CAMP6). Stanford, CA, USA.2024. Hao, H., Fuchs, Z., & Vasishth, S. Similarity-Based Interferences in Chinese Classifier-Noun Dependencies. Poster at the 6th California Meeting on Psycholinguistics (CAMP6). Stanford, CA, USA.2023. Hao, H., Fuchs, Z., & Vasishth, S. Similarity-Based Interferences in Chinese Classifier-Noun Dependencies. Talk at the 6th Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Processing and Learning Workshop (X-PPL 2023), Zurich, Switzerland.2023. Hao, H., Fuchs, Z., & Vasishth, S. Similarity-Based Interferences in Chinese Classifier-Noun Dependencies. Talk at the 2nd Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing- Asia (AMLaP-Asia), Hong Kong.2023. Hao, H., & He, M. Can Large Language Model Surprisal Capture the Informativity Bias in Human Language Processing? Poster at the 28th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, San Sebastián, Spain.2023. Hao, H., Hahn, M., & Kaiser, E. How Do Syntactic Statistics and Semantic Plausibility Modulate Local Coherence Effects. Talk at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2023), Sydney, Australia.2023. Hao, H. Do Transformers Show Human-Like Sensitivity to Syntactic Embedding Depth? Poster presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2023), Sydney, July 26-29.2023. Hao, H. Leveraging Neural Networks for Feature Selection in Sentence Processing Models. Poster presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2023), Sydney, July 26-29.2023. Hao, H. Evaluating Transformers’ Sensitivity to Syntactic Embedding Depth. Talk at the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI2023), Guimarães, Portugal.2023. Hao, H., & He, M. Can Large Language Model Surprisal Capture the Informativity Bias in Human Language Processing? Talk at the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI2023), Guimarães, Portugal.2023. Hao, H. Evaluating Transformers' Sensitivity to Syntactic Embedding Depth. Poster at the 36th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP2023), Pittsburg, PA, USA.2023. Hao, H., Elsi, K., & Hahn, M. Effects of Plausibility on Agreement Attraction. Poster at the 36th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP 2023), Pittsburg, PA, USA.

Grace Ford Salvatori 301, 3601 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1693
hailinhao061 [at] gmail [dot] com
hailinha [at] usc [dot] edu